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Ciao a tutti , Augurissimi d'oltre oceano a tutto il Forum, Buon Natale e Buon Anno 2021! :D:drinks:
Ciao Cinquecentisti/e e Abarthisti/e, Come tutti gli anni stiamo pensando ai prossimi raduni da fare tutti insieme per passare una giornata o un...
My girlfriend and I are going to Rome from the 9th of February to the 13th of February! Is there anything Cinquecentisti related going on that week...
As the topic says, I wish all of you Cinquecentistis out there in Italia and the rest of the world a very Happy New Year with lots of happy moments...
: DLook a this funny video made by a french garage. Ah, the noise of the 2 ALFA 8C at the end ...
Hi you can find news about the compact two-seater based on 500 platform......
Buon Natale to all of you cinquecentistis in here and a happy new year, with wishes for many great drives in your 500`s_icon7_ :bye:
Hi guys and gals_icon7_ I have just bought a Maranello red Fiat Bravo Dynamic 1,6mjet 90hp. What I wonder is what is this color called in other...
:yee: :yee: :yee:
I can't stop laughing. :ahah: Why didn't anyone think of this before? mt6-VXbZxpA :ahah::ahah::ahah:
hi, do you know the title of the song in this video? W4TrjWC_aw8&feature=channel_page thank you for helping me :yee:
Ferrari approves of Kimi's rally outing Jan.13 (GMM) Ferrari has no problem with Kimi Raikkonen contesting Finland's famous Arctic Lapland Rally...
Cool Video with very ''GLADIATOR'' music! PIETRA205
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